The Unnecessary Ramblings of an Idealist
*Statutory Disclaimer*: "I'm an Idealist; and I'm VERY visibly politically impractical as well" That does not take away the fact that philosophy must guide political correctness. ***These seemingly Anarchist views are of my own. (Just putting it out there since I've been tagged as an Anarchist by a right inclined friend of mine.) Political Correctness has given way to elephant in the room. Which justifies violence in the name of "Right-wing fundamentalism". Although it has not taken a form we expect it to; In India, it still is getting there. In the form of seemingly moderate and secular policies/laws that choke minorities from exerting its rights. In the veiled form of "Development" and tarnishing the efforts of being independent for 60+ years. I agree with the right-wing talks about "Appeasement fo r too long" and it makes sense! But have you thought about what could be done better. The narrative of "A better option...