Did You Start From Zero

Did you start from zero?
Do you KNOW what's it like to be so

Did you stand shoulder to shoulder?
Do you know what it feels like beyond the yonder?

Where do you first see?
Do you see it on the walls?
Or do you see it at the fences
Do you see the demons merciless
Or the civilians defenseless

The wind blows through the void
Passing through is what we often avoid

Did you start from zero?
Do you know what it's like to be so?

I just wrapped up an interesting conversation with an "Indian" who is of the opinion that our next door neighbours are the promulgators of violence.

The question that leads us to is, "Do we paint the same color on the canvas?"

Would you empathize with the scores of innocent kids who lost their lives in the Peshawar school shootings? Or would you choose to empathize with the kids and "their families" who lost an important piece in their very human existence?

Who do we blame? Do we blame the commoners who's only fault in life was to be born into a "region" that's been in perennial animosity with ours?

Nationalism and Religion are never excuses to validate your emotions of a distorted pride. A pride that leads to you wear pretty opaque glasses when it comes to seeing individuals as human beings.

Kids don't wear these glasses. Adults do. And that's that. Adults in the form of media people, parents, politicians, and scores of other people wearing facades are the ones who hand this so called sense of opaqueness to young minds.

It's basically a mass production of masks that we hand over to our kids based on a skewed sense of history, and pride.

Where is the empathy? Where is the conscience in all this? Why can't we see empathy as God? And conscience it's vehicle?

Why is it that we are gently but constantly coaxed into an environment where everything is colored and biased by the very people we call our own? What can we do to imbibe a sense of exclusivity? What can we do to ensure that our opinions are truly our own and not weighed down by what the majority or our family thinks?

Empathy is imbibed...Opinions more often than not; are imposed.

And that ladies and gentlemen, in my opinion, is the vicious circle of incarnation and reincarnation we are caught in...


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