Love Me! I'll Kill You Otherwise...

Well you need to strike a balance between the promises you made and playing good-cop-bad-cop.
The legitimacy of good eventually is not founded in genuine concern, but their ultimate purpose is to legitimize evil through the good. Happened with Hitler, happened with Mussolini, happens with every known supremacist ideology. (Although unlike blatant bigotry back in the times, they call for inclusiveness and respect for their kin in the present, to endear themselves to a globalized world.)
Our man shouts peace and inclusion among others while his minions are let loose to play the bad cop with intimidation, communalism, and lynching. A commonality in populist strong-men governed countries.
This is exactly what Manmohan meant when he mentioned the "Dangerous Binary" in one of his parliament speeches; the way of choosing the good that is founded on evil.
And for a species who are driven mostly by the need to survive, withdraw in fear is what the common man can do; since the good cop plays his music on a cellphone speaker while the bad cop plays his on a megaphone.
And then about his minions, I'm reminded by the words of a behavioral scientist (If I'm not wrong) who was interviewed as part of the Culture High documentary. Humans are like ants, the moment we sense or are told that we have an enemy at the gates, we drop everything and rush to the point of breach. There's nothing that can get us going like the call for War. (Which is why a lot of sports channels glorify peaceful games like Golf and Curling as war.)
Which is probably why politicians use "The War on <Insert apparent problem here>" as a rallying cry.


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